Coledale Public School

Quality Teaching & Learning in a Caring Environment

Telephone02 4267 1885

P & C

The P&C is the primary parent and community body that consults with Coledale Public School.

The P&C is a not-for-profit community organisation established to support Coledale Public School. It welcomes all parents, carers, teachers and the broader community to join it in supporting the school..

The P&C aims to support Coledale Public School to deliver the best learning environment for students. It is focused on building a strong collaborative relationship between parents, carers, the community and Coledale Public School.

The P&C assists the school by providing important core services to students, parents and carers. It undertakes a range of fundraising activities that directly support a range of different school initiatives. It is also an active voice in school planning. 

In April each year the P&C develops a plan and budget for the year ahead.